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Hey everybody, or nobody, whoever still looks at this, well for those of you who still look at this site for watever reason, you might be wondering what the hell is goingon with 8, well. As usual, complications. The ending needs to be written, shocker, and getting actors and everything together that will eb needed for this film is becoming overwhelming, lemme just take the time to vent.

The main problem with the downfall of 8 right now, well let me not say downfall, let me say harship....what? The main reason for the delay with 8, is mostly due to premature hype. A myspace was made for 8, my friend jumped the gun and said hed make one, and since I didn't think about the reprecussions of promoting a movie barely in the witing stage, I agreed. So now we have hype for a movie that isnt even done with writing. Ontop of that, i doubt any actors are going to be available, on top on top of that, im not quite sure everyone realizes the director, myself, is only 17 (18 in november woot) and this is the first full length feature ive embarked on. So ontop ontop ontop of that, im not prepared at all for this.

anyway, moving on. I feel that right now, while im a senior in highschool, I am frustrating myself behind beilef trying to fathm how to get any sort of these movies done, I say movies because I have since written a 55 page crime drama called Malignance that I had planned on getting filmed, but even that seems unattainable with my current resources. It seems that nobody wants to do this but me, and lack of motivation from some has given myself lack of motivation and made me feel nothing will ever get done until I get to film school where people actually care.

That being said, I will write and shoot out some short films with my friends as actors just to get some work done. As for 8 and the upcoming crime drama Malignance, I appologize, but this might have to just be post-poned until I have the experience and resources to create them, Until further notice, I will be writing.

For anyone who is reading this, thank you, hype can kill anything and i appologize if you are pissed off now, don't worry I already am.





*Updated 10/30/07


(C) 2006